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VIP Slots Offers!
Deposit Bonus Code

$50 230% KOSLOTS1
$100 274% KOSLOTS2
$250 332% KOSLOTS3
$500 372% KOSLOTS4
$1000 420% KOSLOTS5
All Slot offers redeemable unlimited times with 30x playthrough for all slots, Keno and Scratch Cards.

VIP Table Offers
Deposit Bonus Code

$50 159% KOTABLE1
$100 188% KOTABLE2
$150 208% KOTABLE3
$300 250% KOTABLE4
$500 330% KOTABLE5
All Table Offers redeemable unlimited times with 30x playthrough; excluded table games: craps, Roulette, Baccarat, Sic Bo, Pai Gow Poker, and War.