This contest is free for all registered members, is extremely simple to play, and the winner gets an gift card!

I will begin this contest by stating that I am thinking about a specific person, place or thing.

You are then encouraged to reply to this thread with a question that will help you narrow down what I am thinking about.

You may ask as many questions as you'd like, but no one can ask a new question until I have answered the previous one!

Your question must be a "yes or no" question.

If you think you know what I am thinking about, you may reply to this thread at anytime with your guess, but please refrain from making a new guess until a new question has been answered.

P.S. Although the name of the game is 20 Questions, there will be no limit to the amount of questions that can be asked, but the contest will expire at the end of each week if we do not have a correct answer in time.

The first person to guess correctly will receive a $5 gift card.

We will start a new contest immediately after this one ends!

I am thinking of something you consume.