Hello all,

I'm still very much a rookie when it comes to gambling, and so I turn to you who are a bit more experienced within the area!To give context to why I wonder, I did a 50 euro deposit, with eyes on Magic Mirror. I accidentally bet 5 euros instead of 0.5, get a first spin bonus(!), with getting 110 euros as the win, which is pretty damn good in my eyes. Usually I'd cash out immediately, though I was thinking about all the other people who keeps going and somehow wins more, so I wanted to try. All in all, I lost all the earnings and my 50 euro deposit, due to me continuing the gambling.
In the off chance that you may worry about me becoming a degenerate, I've limited my deposits to 50 euros a week, money that I can afford to lose.When do you consider to be a good time to say "This is a good win, I'll take it" and just stop?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

