Our 5 Card Trivia Contest works like this...

1. I will begin this contest by posting a trivia question, riddle, or other quiz variation.

2. The first person to respond with the correct answer will receive a random card from a standard deck of playing cards.

3. Once someone has responded with the correct answer, I will then ask a new question.

4. This process will continue until the remaining cards have been awarded.

5. The person who can make the best poker hand without using the community cards (does not need to be a full 5-cards) will receive a $10 Amazon.com gift card!

7. At the start of each contest, $5 will be contributed to the high hand jackpot. To win the high hand jackpot, you must use two of your cards and three community cards.

8. Cards 1, 13, 26, 40, and 52 will be designated as the community cards.

9. The high hand needed to win the jackpot is: Tens full of Fours or better.

Best Poker Hand Prize: $10

Current High Hand Jackpot: $15


1. Each member may only guess once per question. However, you may ask for clarification as often as you'd like.

2. After you have won a card, you may not guess again until another card has been awarded to a different member.

3. I reserve the right to provide hints, replace a question, or modify the game in any way if I feel it will help move the game along.

Click here to view the current standings.